Welcome to this course on how to create a microteach. The purpose of this course is to onboard Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in Research Methods (such as lecturers and academics) who want to deliver engaging microlearning via this website to students.
The course will provide some best practice guidance on designing and building a microteach, the workflow process for publishing your content on this website, and guidance on how to build your content in LearnPress.
By the end of this microteach you will be able to:
- Explain the key benefits of microlearning
- Understand the purpose of this website
- Recall 3-5 best practice tips on creating microlearning assets
- Summarize the workflow process for creating a microteach to be included on the website
- Find and download the Learning Design template to start planning your microteach
- Organize your content into an appropriate structure for the website of ‘Course- Lessons- Sections’
- Define meaningful learning objectives for your microteach
- Apply the microlearning best practice tips and develop your own Learning Design using the template
- Select appropriate and varied H5P interactions to make your content engaging
- Build your microteach within LearnPress
Course Features
- Lectures 10
- Quiz 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level Beginner
- Language English
- Students 1
- Assessments Yes